Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic, long-lasting pain that usually affects an arm or leg. It can develop after any trauma, such as a sprain, fracture, burn, or a medical procedure. With CRPS, you may experience unexplained pain that won’t go away. The pain usually affects one limb, but it can sometimes spread to other parts of the body. The cause of CRPS remains unknown. Experts believe an injury or abnormality of the peripheral and central nervous systems can cause the condition. The abnormal function results in an overreaction to pain signals that the nervous system can’t shut off. The genes a person inherits may also play a role.
Symptoms may change over time and vary from person to person. Symptoms may include one or more of the following: sensitivity to touch or cold, changes in skin temperatures, skin texture, hair and nail growth, and continuous burning or throbbing pain in your arm, leg, hand, or foot.
There are two types of CRPS:
Triggering factors, called ‘disease mechanisms,” are thought to include:
There are no specific tests to diagnose CRPS. Instead, identifying a constellation of history, clinical examination, and supporting laboratory findings can help diagnose. Not all health professionals are familiar with CRPS, leading to a delay in diagnosis or a mistaken diagnosis. Our doctor is committed to meeting patients' needs and can help with the condition.
Treatment for CRPS varies and depends on the symptoms and the duration of the problem. Early treatment is most effective and focuses on relieving symptoms, slowing the progression of the disease, and helping cope with the pain and live a healthy life as possible.
We understand the problems associated while living with chronic pain can be stressful affecting emotional and mental health. Our doctor can work with you to develop a combination of treatments tailored to your specific case. You may contact our clinic to schedule an appointment!