Essential Tremor is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking. It can affect almost any part of the body, but the trembling occurs most often in the hands, especially when performing simple tasks such as drinking from a glass or tying shoelaces.
The exact cause of Essential Tremor is unknown, but it is often hereditary. It is thought to result from abnormal communication between specific areas of the brain, including the cerebellum, which controls movement.
We will begin our assessment by asking some probing questions about the onset of your tremors, the specific activities or situations that trigger them, what makes them worse or better, and how they impact your daily life. This detailed history helps us understand the patterns and severity of your tremors.
Next, we will conduct a comprehensive physical examination to observe the tremor and assess its impact on your motor skills and coordination. Neurological tests will evaluate your reflexes, muscle strength, and sensory function.
Imaging tests like MRIs may be reviewed to rule out other conditions that might cause similar symptoms. Our primary goal is to provide a clear and accurate diagnosis, allowing us to offer the most effective treatments available.
Our primary method of assessment is through a detailed and empathetic conversation combined with thorough physical and neurological evaluations. If Essential Tremor affects your daily activities and quality of life, call us at (831) 200-0880 for a consultation. Our team is dedicated to helping you regain control and improve your quality of life.